Random – My Dream Dinner Party
Like a lot of people (really? ?maybe?) I often wonder about random topics, and one is ‘who would I have to a Dream Dinner Party’? This would be 6 people, irrespective if they are currently alive or not, who would come to a dinner party I’d host, and they should be?able to chat to each […]
Music – Wish I’d Been There
There are probably many gigs, concerts or other music events that you wish you’d been at… or perhaps you haven’t thought about it. ?I have (of course, you know me and lists!) and if I had access to my own Time Lord or TARDIS, here are the top few of mine I’d give (nearly) anything […]
Film – The Tow – Kickstarted – My Experience
I like kickstarter, I like Indigogo, Patreon, etc.. I like feeling like I’m involved. I may not be very artistic or creative – well, in public anyway 😉 – but I like to think I appreciate those who are, and therefore I try to be a supporter. We can all do it – you don’t […]
Random – The Very Long Rambling Meaning Behind My Standard Bio
Let’s start here shall we – a very long ramble about I guess ‘me’, or as close as you get’ll on the internet 😉 So, on most of my social media, I have the same bio : “Three things about me: I love baseball, I hate celery, and I miss the sea.” Sounds flippant, simple […]
Random – So dear parent ….. (London looting – August 2011 – Originally posted to FB August 2011)
So dear parent when you wake up this morning and your teenager is sporting a lot of new stuff, what are YOU going to do? So, to those ‘disenfranchised”, what are YOU going to do about it? When are YOU going to do something for yourself and take responsibility, when are YOU going to stop […]
Coming soon……
Let’s see how quickly I get bored with this 🙂